What is ChouAmi ?
ChouAmi™ is a unique and simple fermentation device which fits onto a beautiful and durable French-made glass jar by Le Parfait. It is an easy and elegant way to make your own sauerkraut or pickles at home in small batches.
How does ChouAmi work?
It's easy! Watch this video that visually explains how to assemble ChouAmi.
Why should I eat fermented foods?
Fermented foods, especially lacto-fermented foods, contain lactobacilli cultures that are the original probiotics. Our ancestors lived on such foods until the onset of sterilization/pasteurization. The lactobacilli strains keep our digestion and immune systems healthy. We need the good bacteria to play a part in our immuno-defense against harmful pathogens. We recommend eating 1/4 to 1/3 cup (60 to 80 ml) of fermented foods with each meal.
What kind of water should I use?
The purest and freshest water is optimal. Municipal water which contains fluoride, chloride, or chloramine, is not good for fermentation. If your local water system contains these chemicals, then it’s important to get a good filtration system that can remove them.
What kind of salt should I use?
Our preference is Celtic Sea Salt, but any high-quality sea salt is good to use. Stay away from table salt because it’s devoid of minerals and contains additives. Besides, table salt simply tastes salty without the subtle, complex flavors of sea salt. Sea salt also provides trace minerals, which helps to balance the sodium/potassium osmotic gradient of our cells.